The Slavic Department at the University of Tübingen would like you to invite you to Psycholinguistics of Slavic Languages 2022 (PsychoSlav2022) conference which will take place at the University of Tübingen in 14–16 July 2022.
The main aim of the conference is to bring together researchers examining Slavic languages from psycholinguistic perspective. We believe mutual discussions between such scholars may be fruitful and may possibly lead to some future collaborative crosslinguistic projects. Since Slavic languages differ typologically from the languages which are subject to psycholinguistic endeavor the most (i.e. English, Spanish, Mandarin…), there are several questions we would like to focus our attention to:
- How may research on Slavic languages impact the general psycholinguistic theories? Are the findings on typologically different languages replicable on Slavic?
- How can Slavic languages broaden the scope of psycholinguistic research? Do they bring new research questions in play due to their specific structure?
- Are there any practical constraints to the psycholinguistic research on Slavic languages? If yes, is there any way to overcome them in the near future?
Paper proposals focusing any topic on language processing on various aspects of Slavic languages as well as on their use and acquisition are welcome. Talks will be 20-minute long plus 10 minutes for discussion. Also, we will have an one-hour long poster session.
We look forward to receiving abstracts addressing one or more of the following strands using new experimental methods:
- phonetics
- phonology
- morphosyntax
- semantics
- pragmatics
- first, second language acquisition
We invite submissions about ongoing work. Abstracts on such projects should present detailed information on the methodological aspects (sample, technique used), planned analysis, and theoretical relevance.
Since we would like to meet in person, but we also acknowledge that it might be complicated to come to Tübingen due to current covid-19 measures, the conference is planned to be held in hybrid form. In the submission, please indicate whether you would like to come in person or to participate virtually.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2022 (extended until April 7, 2022)
Notification of acceptance to authors: May 15, 2022
Conference PsychoSlav 22: July 14-16, 2022
The conference is financially fully supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. There is no participation fee.
The conference will be held in English.
Submission guidelines
Submissions are restricted to at most two per applicant and each applicant may submit only one abstract as a first author. It is possible to apply either with an oral presentation or with a poster. Please, indicate the preferred form of your presentation in the submission.
Here you can download an abstract template: here (.docx)
Please, make sure your abstract follows these guidelines:
- Abstracts should be no longer than two pages. The first page should contain the text of the abstract (see below). The second page is optional and may be used for additional information such as plots, tables, example stimuli, references etc.
- Abstracts are submitted in a fully anonymized form in the .pdf format via EasyChair.
- Page format: A4, 2.54cm (one inch) margins on all sides, 12-point font (Helvetica or Arial), single line spacing. Do not use page numbers or any other page decoration.
- First page format:
- First line for the title in bold face.
- Two empty lines reserved for authors’ names and affiliations and first author’s email address (in case there are more authors, leave enough empty lines to fit all the names and affiliations in the de-anonymized version).
- An additional empty line separating the title and authors from the text of the abstract.
- The main text of the abstract (use justified text with automatic hyphenation).
- Use italics for marking linguistic examples in the text.
Plenary speakers
Lena Jäger (University of Zurich): The necessity of a cross-linguistic perspective on psycholinguistics (Saturday, July 16)
Jan Patrick Zeller (University of Greifswald) & Christina Clasmeier (Ruhr University Bochum): Slavic Verbal Aspect from a Psycholinguistic Perspective
Natalia Slioussar (HSE Moscow & St. Petersburg State University): TBA
Hands-on workshop
Introduction to Generalized Additive Mixed Effect Models in R (Fabian Tomaschek)
Jan Chromý (Universität Tübingen & Charles University)
Anja Gattnar (Universität Tübingen)
Fabian Tomaschek (Universität Tübingen)
Tilman Berger (Universität Tübingen)
Supported by