Chromý, J., & Tomaschek, F. (2024). Learning or boredom? Task adaptation effects in sentence processing experiments. Open Mind.
Chromý, J., Ceháková, M., & Brand, J. (2024). HeCz: A large scale self-paced reading corpus of newspaper headlines. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 46).
Chromý, J. & Vojvodić, S. (2024). When and where did it happen? Systematic differences in recall of core and optional sentence information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Chromý, J., Lacina, R., & Dotlačil, J. (2023). Number agreement attraction in Czech comprehension: Negligible facilitation effects. Open Mind.
Ceháková, M. & Chromý, J. (2023). Garden-path sentences and the diversity of their (mis) representations. PLOS ONE.
Chromý, J., Brand, J., Laurinavichyute, A., & Lacina, R. (2023). Number agreement attraction in Czech and English comprehension: A direct experimental comparison. Glossa Psycholinguistics.
Fu, X., Vanek, N., & Roberts, L. (2023). Matched or moved? Asymmetry in high- and low-level visual processing of motion events. Language and Cognition.
Sato, S. & Vanek, N. (2023). Contrasting online and offline measures. Examples from experimental research on linguistic relativity. The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics.
Vanek, N. & Zhang, H. (2023). On truth and polarity in negation processing: language-specific effects in non-linguistic contexts. Frontiers in Psychology.
Chromý, J. (2022). When readers fail to form a coherent representation of garden-path sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Vanek, N. & Fu, X. (2022). Low-level visual processing of motion events as a window into language-specific effects on perception. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.
Vanek, N., & Tovalovich, A. (2021). Emotionality ratings and electrodermal responses to university-related expressions in a native and a non-native language. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Zhang, Yi & Vanek, N. (2022). Negation processing in Chinese–English bilinguals: insights from the Stroop paradigm and an orientation task. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Czech Adaptation of the Component Processes Task
We adapted the Component Processes Task (Hannon – Daneman, 2001) to Czech. Also, we programmed the full test for IbexFarm platform. We are happy to share both the stimuli and the script with anyone interested. In case you would like to use CPT for testing native speakers of Czech, contact us and specify your research purposes (just for us to know who uses the adaptation for what).
Operation and Reading Span Tasks in Czech
We created Czech versions of the operation span and reading span tasks for measuring working memory using the Py-Span-Task application by Titus von der Malsburg. Both are freely available to download and use here. In case you use these tasks, we would be happy if you would inform us about it.
Students’ theses
Kristina Jarošová (2025): Tvárnost fonologických reprezentací a faktory, které ji ovlivňují. Unpublished MA thesis. [Malleability of phonological representations and factors which influence it]
Nováková, K. (2024): Interference při zpracování vět v češtině. Unpublished MA thesis. [Interference in sentence processing in Czech]
Ceháková, M. (2021): Zpracování vět se slepou kolejí v češtině. Unpublished MA thesis. [Garden-path sentences processing in Czech]
Kříž, A. (2020): Jazykové chování slovenských rodilých mluvčích v Čechách. Unpublished PhD thesis. [Language behaviour of native speakers of Slovak in Bohemia]
Hamanová, M.-A. (2020): Bilingvismus jako nevýhoda? Lexikální vybavování v prvním jazyce bilingvních mluvčích. Unpublished MA thesis. [Bilingualism as a disadvantage? Lexical retrieval in the bilinguals’ first language]